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Category: Eye Exams

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What Diseases Can Be Caught in an Eye Exam?

a man is at his optometrist's office for an eye exam to detect any underlying diseases.

For many, an eye exam is a routine check-up that can ensure eye health, but did you know it’s also a powerful tool for detecting diseases? Regular eye exams can reveal much more about your overall health than you might expect.
Today, we’ll explore the various conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorder, neurological conditions, and cancer that can be identified during an eye exam, offering you peace of mind and a deeper understanding of your health.

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How Often Should I Have an Eye Exam?

An optometrist fitting a patient with corrective lenses.

Regular eye examinations are essential for maintaining good vision health and detecting any potential problems early on. The frequency of your eye exams depends on several factors, including age, overall health, and any existing eye conditions. Here are some general guidelines to follow: Children should have their first comprehensive eye examination at 6 months of […]

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Are Contact Lens Prescriptions & Glasses Prescriptions the Same?

Contact Lenses, Eyewear

Navigating a prescription can feel like reading a secret code. But whether you’re squinting at tiny text on a screen or admiring the vibrant colours of a sunset, we all treasure clear vision—so an accurate prescription is a must!
Contact lens prescriptions and glasses prescriptions are not the same. So whether you’re sticking with the cozy familiarity of your favourite pair of glasses or making the jump to the comfort offered by contact lenses, your optometrist can help you see the world clearly.

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November 7, 2024
Westmount Optometrists

What Diseases Can Be Caught in an Eye Exam?

Eye Care, Eye Exams, Eye Health

For many, an eye exam is a routine check-up that can ensure eye health, but did you know it’s also a powerful tool for detecting diseases? Regular eye exams can reveal much more about your overall health than you might expect.
Today, we’ll explore the various conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorder, neurological conditions, and cancer that can be identified during an eye exam, offering you peace of mind and a deeper understanding of your health.

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November 7, 2024
Westmount Optometrists

Can Dry Eye Cause Blurry Vision?


Dry eye syndrome is a common and often chronic condition that affects millions of people around the world. While it might seem like a minor inconvenience, dry eye can lead to significant discomfort and even impact your vision.  One of the symptoms that sufferers frequently report is blurry vision. But can dry eye cause blurry […]

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November 7, 2024
Westmount Optometrists
A person holding a contact lens case & glasses weighs the differences between them.

Navigating a prescription can feel like reading a secret code. But whether you’re squinting at tiny text on a screen or admiring the vibrant colours of a sunset, we all treasure clear vision—so an accurate prescription is a must!
Contact lens prescriptions and glasses prescriptions are not the same. So whether you’re sticking with the cozy familiarity of your favourite pair of glasses or making the jump to the comfort offered by contact lenses, your optometrist can help you see the world clearly.

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a man is at his optometrist's office for an eye exam to detect any underlying diseases.

For many, an eye exam is a routine check-up that can ensure eye health, but did you know it’s also a powerful tool for detecting diseases? Regular eye exams can reveal much more about your overall health than you might expect.
Today, we’ll explore the various conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorder, neurological conditions, and cancer that can be identified during an eye exam, offering you peace of mind and a deeper understanding of your health.

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A close up of a woman's eyes. The further away eye is slightly out of focus to signify "blurry vision".

Dry eye syndrome is a common and often chronic condition that affects millions of people around the world. While it might seem like a minor inconvenience, dry eye can lead to significant discomfort and even impact your vision.  One of the symptoms that sufferers frequently report is blurry vision. But can dry eye cause blurry […]

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