Advanced Eye Imaging at Westmount Optometrists

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Our Imaging Technology

Eye examinations can involve various types of assessments. Although some can be performed with the naked eye, we can see more when we take advantage of diagnostic technology. Westmount Optometrists uses advanced imaging technology to improve diagnostic accuracy and support our eye care recommendations. 

We’re dedicated to earning your trust and confidence, and we build our patients’ trust by providing high-quality eye care. Our technology is a part of how we put our patients first.

What Is Retinal Imaging?

While there are a few essential diagnostic technologies in every optometrist’s office, retinal imaging is crucial for learning about structures inside the eye. Retinal imaging takes detailed pictures of the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels in the back of the eye.

Although everyone can benefit from monitoring inner eye structures, retinal imaging can be an effective tool for diagnosing eye diseases. Retinal imaging can help optometrists diagnose:

Retinal imaging is noninvasive and painless. By taking images regularly, we can track changes to eye structures and develop treatment plans based on up-to-date information. 

Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging test that uses light waves to create high-quality, cross-section pictures. Detailed images can provide more accurate measurements of the retina and eye structures. OCT can help evaluate disorders affecting the retina and optic nerve.

An OCT scan is a noninvasive test requiring pupil dilation. The scan typically takes between 10–15 minutes.

Some eye conditions that OCT can help diagnose include:

Digital Fundus Imaging

The fundus is the back surface of the eye and it includes the retina, macula, optic nerve, fovea, and blood vessels. Fundus imaging uses a low-power microscope to photograph the interior surface and back of the eye. 

Digital fundus imaging is a noninvasive test and can be completed in a few minutes. As the images are taken through the pupil, pupil dilation is necessary to provide the camera with a better opening to look through.

Some conditions that digital fundus imaging can help diagnose include:

Regular Imaging Can Benefit Eye Health

Many eye diseases and conditions develop over time. With imaging technology, we can see the fine details, monitor minor changes, and make recommendations based on accurate information. 

At regular eye examinations, we use our advanced eye imaging technologies to keep our knowledge up-to-date. Visit us for regular appointments so we can see your eye health more clearly. 

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Where To Find Us

At the corner of Springbank Drive and Wonderland Road, our clinic offers plenty of parking out front.

Our Address

  • 585 Springbank Dr.
  • London, ON N6J1H3

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